



延續另一個問題;這裡先給技術規定Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 1 / 47 16 July 20042005 FORMULA ONE TECHNICAL REGULATIONSSUMMARYARTICLE 1 : DEFINITIONS1.1 Formula One Car1.2 Automobile1.3 Land Vehicle1.4 Bodywork1.5 Wheel1.6 Complete wheel1.7 Automobile Make1.8 Event1.9 Weight1.10 Racing weight1.11 Cubic capacity1.12 Supercharging1.13 Cockpit1.14 Sprung suspension1.15 Survival cell1.16 Camera1.17 Camera housing1.18 Cockpit padding1.19 Brake calliper1.20 Electronically controlledARTICLE 2 : GENERAL PRINCIPLES2.1 Role of the FIA2.2 Amendments to the regulations2.3 Dangerous construction2.4 Compliance with the regulations2.5 Measurements2.6 Duty of competitorARTICLE 3 : BODYWORK AND DIMENSIONS3.1 Wheel centre line3.2 Height measurements3.3 Overall width3.4 Width ahead of the rear wheel centre line3.5 Width behind the rear wheel centre line3.6 Overall height3.7 Front bodywork height3.8 Height in front of the rear wheels3.9 Bodywork between the rear wheels3.10 Height behind the rear wheel centre line3.11 Bodywork around the front wheels3.12 Bodywork facing the ground3.13 Skid block3.14 OverhangsDraft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 2 / 47 16 July 20043.15 Aerodynamic influence3.16 Upper bodywork3.17 Bodywork flexibilityARTICLE 4 : WEIGHT4.1 Minimum weight4.2 Ballast4.3 Adding during the raceARTICLE 5 : ENGINE5.1 Engine specification5.2 Other means of propulsion5.3 Engine intake air5.4 Exhaust system5.5 Engine materials5.6 Starting the engine5.7 Stall preventionARTICLE 6 : FUEL SYSTEM6.1 Fuel tanks6.2 Fittings and piping6.3 Crushable structure6.4 Tank fillers6.5 Refuelling6.6 Fuel samplingARTICLE 7 : OIL AND COOLANT SYSTEMS7.1 Location of oil tanks7.2 Longitudinal location of oil system7.3 Catch tank7.4 Transversal location of oil system7.5 Coolant header tank7.6 Cooling systems7.7 Oil and coolant linesARTICLE 8 : ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS8.1 Software validation8.2 Start systems8.3 Accident data recorders8.4 Marshal information displayARTICLE 9 : TRANSMISSION SYSTEM9.1 Transmission types9.2 Clutch control9.3 Gear ratios9.4 Reverse gear9.5 Torque transfer systemsARTICLE 10 : SUSPENSION AND STEERING SYSTEMS10.1 Sprung suspension10.2 Suspension geometry10.3 Suspension members10.4 SteeringARTICLE 11 : BRAKE SYSTEMDraft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 3 / 47 16 July 200411.1 Brake circuits and pressure distribution11.2 Brake calipers11.3 Brake discs11.4 Air ducts11.5 Brake pressure modulation11.6 Liquid coolingARTICLE 12 : WHEELS AND TYRES12.1 Location12.2 Number of wheels12.3 Wheel material12.4 Wheel dimensionsARTICLE 13 : COCKPIT13.1 Cockpit opening13.2 Steering wheel13.3 Internal cross section13.4 Position of the driver’s feetARTICLE 14 : SAFETY EQUIPMENT14.1 Fire extinguishers14.2 Master switch14.3 Rear view mirrors14.4 Safety belts14.5 Rear light14.6 Cockpit padding14.7 Wheel retention14.8 Seat fixing and removal14.9 Head and neck supportsARTICLE 15 : CAR CONSTRUCTION15.1 Materials15.2 Roll structures15.3 Structure behind the driver15.4 Survival cell specifications15.5 Survival cell safety requirementsARTICLE 16 : IMPACT TESTING16.1 Conditions applicable to all impact tests16.2 Frontal test16.3 Side test16.4 Rear test16.5 Steering column testARTICLE 17 : ROLL STRUCTURE TESTING17.1 Conditions applicable to both roll structure tests17.2 Principal roll structure test17.3 Second roll structure testARTICLE 18 : STATIC LOAD TESTING18.1 Conditions applicable to all static load tests18.2 Survival cell side tests18.3 Fuel tank floor test18.4 Cockpit rim testDraft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 4 / 47 16 July 200418.5 Nose push off test18.6 Side intrusion testARTICLE 19 : FUEL19.1 Purpose of Article 1919.2 Definitions19.3 Properties19.4 Composition of the fuel19.5 Air19.6 Safety19.7 Fuel approval19.8 Sampling and testing19.9 Amendments to Article 19ARTICLE 20 : TELEVISION CAMERAS20.1 Presence of cameras and camera housings20.2 Location of camera housings20.3 Location and fitting of camera and equipment20.4 TranspondersARTICLE 21 : FINAL TEXTARTICLE 22 : CHANGES FOR 200622.1 Amendments to Article 5.122.2 Addition of an Article 5.222.3 Addition of an Article 5.322.4 Addition of an Article 5.422.5 Addition of an Article 5.522.6 Addition of an Article 5.622.7 Addition of an Article 5.722.8 Addition of an Article 5.822.9 Addition of an Article 5.922.10 Addition of an Article 5.1022.11 Addition of an Article 5.11Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 5 / 47 16 July 2004ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS1.1 Formula One Car :An automobile designed solely for speed races on circuits or closed courses.1.2 Automobile :A land vehicle running on at least four non-aligned complete wheels

of which at least two are used forsteering and at least two for propulsion.1.3 Land vehicle :A locomotive device propelled by its own means

moving by constantly taking real support on the earth'ssurface

of which the propulsion and steering are under the control of a driver aboard the vehicle.1.4 Bodywork :All entirely sprung parts of the car in contact with the external air stream

except cameras and the partsdefinitely associated with the mechanical functioning of the engine

transmission and running gear.Airboxes

radiators and engine exhausts are considered to be part of the bodywork.1.5 Wheel :Flange and rim.1.6 Complete wheel :Wheel and inflated tyre. The complete wheel is considered part of the suspension system.1.7 Automobile Make :In the case of Formula racing cars

an automobile make is a complete car. When the car manufacturer fitsan engine which it does not manufacture

the car shall be considered a hybrid and the name of the enginemanufacturer shall be associated with that of the car manufacturer. The name of the car manufacturermust always precede that of the engine manufacturer. Should a hybrid car win a Championship Title

Cupor Trophy

this will be awarded to the manufacturer of the car.1.8 Event :An event shall consist of official practice and the race.1.9 Weight :Is the weight of the car with the driver

wearing his complete racing apparel

at all times during the event.1.10 Racing weight :Is the weight of the car in running order with the driver aboard and all fuel tanks full.1.11 Cubic capacity :The volume swept in the cylinders of the engine by the movement of the pistons. This volume shall beexpressed in cubic centimetres. In calculating engine cubic capacity

the number Pi shall be 3.1416.1.12 Supercharging :Increasing the weight of the charge of the fuel/air mixture in the combustion chamber (over the weightinduced by normal atmospheric pressure

ram effect and dynamic effects in the intake and/or exhaustsystem) by any means whatsoever. The injection of fuel under pressure is not considered to besupercharging.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 6 / 47 16 July 20041.13 Cockpit :The volume which accommodates the driver.1.14 Sprung suspension :The means whereby all complete wheels are suspended from the body/chassis unit by a spring medium.1.15 Survival cell :A continuous closed structure containing the fuel tank and the cockpit.1.16 Camera :Television cameras the dimensions of which are defined in Drawing 6.1.17 Camera housing :A device which is identical in shape and weight to a camera and which is supplied by the relevantCompetitor for fitting to his car in lieu of a camera.1.18 Cockpit padding :Non-structural parts placed within the cockpit for the sole purpose of improving driver comfort and safety.All such material must be quickly removable without the use of tools.1.19 Brake caliper :All parts of the braking system outside the survival cell

other than brake discs

brake pads

caliper pistons

brake hoses and fittings

which are stressed when subjected to the braking pressure. Bolts or studs whichare used for attachment are not considered to be part of the braking system.1.20 Electronically controlled :Any command system or process that utilises semi-conductor or thermionic technology.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 7 / 47 16 July 2004ARTICLE 2 : GENERAL PRINCIPLES2.1 Role of the FIA :The following technical regulations for Formula 1 cars are issued by the FIA.2.2 Amendments to the regulations :Amendments to these regulations will be made in accordance with the Concorde agreement.2.3 Dangerous construction :The stewards of the meeting may exclude a vehicle whose construction is deemed to be dangerous.2.4 Compliance with the regulations :Automobiles must comply with these regulations in their entirety at all times during an Event.Should a competitor feel that any aspect of these regulations is unclear

clarification may be sought fromthe FIA Formula One Technical Department. If clarification relates to any new design or system

correspondence must include :- a full description of the design or system ;- drawings or schematics where appropriate ;- the Competitor's opinion concerning the immediate implications on other parts of the car of anyproposed new design ;- the Competitor's opinion concerning any possible long term consequences or new developmentswhich may come from using any such new designs or systems ;- the precise way or ways in which the Competitor feels the new design or system will enhance theperformance of the car.2.5 Measurements :All measurements must be made while the car is stationary on a flat horizontal surface.2.6 Duty of Competitor :It is the duty of each Competitor to satisfy the FIA technical delegate and the Stewards of the Meeting thathis automobile complies with these regulations in their entirety at all times during an Event.The design of the car

it’s components and systems shall

with the exception of safety features

demonstrate their compliance with these regulations by means of physical inspection of hardware ormaterials. No mechanical design may rely upon software inspection as a means of ensuring itscompliance.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 8 / 47 16 July 2004ARTICLE 3 : BODYWORK AND DIMENSIONSFor illustrations refer to drawings 1A-5A in the Appendix to these regulations3.1 Wheel centre line :The centre line of any wheel shall be deemed to be half way between two straight edges

perpendicular tothe surface on which the car is standing

placed against opposite sides of the complete wheel at the centreof the tyre tread.3.2 Height measurements :All height measurements will be taken normal to and from the reference plane.3.3 Overall width :The overall width of the car

including complete wheels

must not exceed 1800mm with the steered wheelsin the straight ahead position. Overall width will be measured when the car is fitted with tyres inflated to 1.4bar.3.4 Width ahead of the rear wheel centre line :3.4.1 Bodywork width ahead of the rear wheel centre line must not exceed 1400mm.3.4.2 In order to prevent tyre damage to other cars

the top and forward edges of the lateral extremities of anybodywork forward of the front wheels must be at least 10mm thick with a radius of at least 5mm.3.5 Width behind the rear wheel centre line :Bodywork width behind the rear wheel centre line must not exceed 1000mm.3.6 Overall height :No part of the bodywork may be more than 950mm above the reference plane.3.7 Front bodywork height :3.7.1 All bodywork situated forward of a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line

and more than250mm from the centre line of the car

must be no less than 150mm and no more than 350mm above thereference plane.3.7.2 All bodywork situated forward of the front wheel centre line must be no less than 50mm above thereference plane.3.8 Height Bodywork in front of the rear wheels :3.8.1 Other than the rear view mirrors

each with a maximum area in plan view of 12000mm²

no bodyworksituated more than 330mm behind the front wheel centre line and more than 330mm forward of the rearwheel centre line

which is more than 600mm above the reference plane

may be more than 300mm fromthe centre line of the car.3.8.2 No bodywork between the rear wheel centre line and a line 800mm forward of the rear wheel centre line

which is more than 500mm from the centre line of the car

may be more than 500mm above the referenceplane.3.8.3 No bodywork between the rear wheel centre line and a line 400mm forward of the rear wheel centre line

which is more than 500mm from the centre line of the car

may be more than 300mm above the referenceplane.3.8.4 With the rear wheels removed and when viewed from above

no bodywork more than 500mm from the carcentre line may lie between the rear wheel centre line and a point 400mm forward of it. Any bodyworkforming the forward inner corner of these areas may have a radius no greater than 140mm.3.9 Bodywork between the rear wheels :Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 9 / 47 16 July 20043.9.1 No bodywork more than 100mm from the car centre line

and which is situated between the rear wheelcentre line and a point lying 330mm forward of it

may be more than 600mm above the reference plane.3.9.2 No bodywork more than 50mm from the car centre line

and which is situated between the rear wheelcentre line and a point lying 150mm behind it may be more than 450mm above the reference plane.3.10 Height behind the rear wheel centre line :3.10.1 Any part of the car more than 150mm behind the centre line of the rear wheels must not be more than800mm above the reference plane.3.10.2 No bodywork behind the centre line of the rear wheels

and more than 150mm each side of the longitudinalcentre line of the car

may be less than 300mm above the reference plane.3.10.3 Any bodywork more than 150mm behind the rear wheel centre line which is between 300mm and 600mmabove the reference plane

and between 75mm and 480mm from the car centre line

must lie in an areawhen viewed from the side of the car that is situated between 300mm and 375mm above the referenceplane and between 150mm and 500mm behind the rear wheel centre line. When viewed from the side ofthe car no longitudinal cross section may have more than one closed section in the lower area.Any bodywork behind the rear wheel centre line which is more than 600mm above the reference plane

andbetween 75mm and 480mm from the car centre line

must lie in an area when viewed from the side of thecar that is situated between 600mm and 800mm above the reference plane and between the rear wheelcentre line and a point 350mm behind it. When viewed from the side of the car

no longitudinal crosssection may have more than two closed sections in the upper area. Furthermore

the distance betweenadjacent sections at any longitudinal plane must not exceed 15mm at their closest position.Any bodywork more than 150mm behind the rear wheel centre line which is more than 300mm above thereference plane

and between 75mm and 480mm from the car centre line

must lie in one of two areaswhen viewed from the side of the car.The lower area is situated from 300mm to 375mm above the reference plane

and from 150mm to 500mmbehind the rear wheel centre line. When viewed from the side of the car

no longitudinal cross section mayhave more than one closed section in the lower area.The upper area is situated from 600mm to 800mm above the reference plane

and from 150mm to 500mmbehind the rear wheel centre line. When viewed from the side of the car

no longitudinal cross section mayhave more than two closed sections in the upper area. Furthermore

the distance between adjacentsections at any longitudinal plane must not exceed 15mm at their closest position.In side view

the projected area of the any bodywork lying between 300mm and 800mm above thereference plane and between 150mm and 600mm behind the rear wheel centre line and a point 600mmbehind it must be greater than 230000mm².3.11 Bodywork around the front wheels :With the exception of brake cooling ducts

in plan view

there must be no bodywork in the area formed bytwo longitudinal lines parallel to and 400mm and 900mm from the car centre line and two transversal lines

one 350mm forward of and one 800mm behind the front wheel centre line.3.12 Bodywork facing the ground :3.12.1 All sprung parts of the car situated more than 330mm behind the front wheel centre line and more than330mm forward of the rear wheel centre line

and which are visible from underneath

must form surfaceswhich lie on one of two parallel planes

the reference plane or the step plane. This does not apply to anyparts of rear view mirrors which are visible

provided each of these areas does not exceed 12000mm²when projected to a horizontal plane above the car. The step plane must be 50mm above the referenceplane.3.12.2 Additionally

the surface formed by all parts lying on the reference plane must :Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 10 / 47 16 July 2004- extend from a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line to the centre line of the rearwheels;- have minimum and maximum widths of 300mm and 500mm respectively ;- be symmetrical about the centre line of the car ;- have a 50mm radius ( /-2mm) on each front corner when viewed from directly beneath the car

thisbeing applied after the surface has been defined.3.12.3 The surface lying on the reference plane must be joined around its periphery to the surfaces lying on thestep plane by a vertical transition. If there is no surface visible on the step plane vertically above any pointaround the periphery of the reference plane

this transition is not necessary.3.12.4 The peripheries of the surfaces lying on the reference and step planes may be curved upwards withmaximum radii of 25 and 50mm respectively. Where the vertical transition meets the surfaces on the stepplane a radius

no greater than 25mm

is permitted.A radius in this context will be considered as an arc applied perpendicular to the periphery and tangentialto both surfaces.The surface lying on the reference plane

the surfaces lying on the step plane

the vertical transitionsbetween them and any surfaces rearward of the surfaces lying on the reference or step planes

must firstbe fully defined before any radius can be applied or the skid block fitted. Any radius applied is stillconsidered part of the relevant surface.3.12.5 All parts lying on the reference and step planes

in addition to the transition between the two planes

mustproduce uniform




rigid (no degree of freedom in relation to the body/chassis unit)

impervious surfaces under all circumstances.Fully enclosed holes are permitted in the surfaces lying on the reference and step planes provided no partof the car is visible through them when viewed from directly below.3.12.6 To help overcome any possible manufacturing problems

and not to permit any design which maycontravene any part of these regulations

dimensional tolerances are permitted on bodywork lying on thereference or step planes situated between a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line and therear wheel centre line. A vertical tolerance of /- 5mm is permissible across these surfaces lying on thereference and step planes and a horizontal tolerance of 5mm is permitted when assessing whether asurface is visible from beneath the car.3.12.7 No bodywork more than 150mm from the car centre line

which is visible from beneath the car and whichlies between the rear wheel centre line and a point 330mm forward of it may be more than 125mm abovethe reference plane. Additionally

any bodywork in this area must produce uniform




rigid (no degree of freedom in relation to the body/chassis unit)

impervious surfaces under allcircumstances.3.12.8 All sprung parts of the car situated behind a point lying 330mm forward of the rear wheel centre line

whichare visible from underneath and are more than 250mm from the centre line of the car

must be at least50mm above the reference plane.3.13 Skid block :3.13.1 Beneath the surface formed by all parts lying on the reference plane

a rectangular skid block

with a50mm radius ( /-2mm) on each front corner

must be fitted. This skid block may comprise more than onepiece but must :a) extend longitudinally from a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line to the centre line ofthe rear wheels.b) be made from an homogeneous material with a specific gravity between 1.3 and 1.45.c) have a width of 300mm with a tolerance of /- 2mm.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 11 / 47 16 July 2004d) have a thickness of 10mm with a tolerance of /- 1mm.e) have a uniform thickness when new.f) have no holes or cut outs other than those necessary to fit the fasteners permitted by 3.13.2 or thoseholes specifically mentioned in g) below.g) have seven precisely placed holes the positions of which are detailed in Drawing 1. In order toestablish the conformity of the skid block after use

it's thickness will only be measured in the four50mm diameter holes and the two forward 80mm diameter holes.Four further 10mm diameter holes are permitted provided their sole purpose is to allow access to thebolts which secure the Accident Data Recorder to the survival cell.h) be fixed symmetrically about the centre line of the car in such a way that no air may pass between itand the surface formed by the parts lying on the reference plane.3.13.2 Fasteners used to attach the skid block to the car must :a) have a total area no greater than 40000mm² when viewed from directly beneath the car ;b) be no greater than 2000mm² in area individually when viewed from directly beneath the car ;c) be fitted in order that their entire lower surfaces are visible from directly beneath the car.When the skid block is new

ten of the fasteners may be flush with it’s lower surface but the remainder maybe no more than 8mm below the reference plane.3.13.3 The lower edge of the periphery of the skid block may be chamfered at an angle of 30° to a depth of 8mm

the trailing edge however may be chamfered over a distance of 200mm to a depth of 8mm.3.14 Overhangs :No part of the car may be more than 600mm behind the centre line of the rear wheels or more than1200mm in front of the centre line of the front wheels.No part of the car less than 480mm from the centre line of the car may be more than 500mm behind thecentre line of the rear wheels.No part of the bodywork more than 200mm from the centre line of the car may be more than 900mm infront of the front wheel centre line.All overhang measurements will be taken parallel to the reference plane.3.15 Aerodynamic influence :Any specific part of the car influencing its aerodynamic performance (with the exception of the coverdescribed in Article 6.5.2 in the pit lane only) :- Must comply with the rules relating to bodywork.- Must be rigidly secured to the entirely sprung part of the car (rigidly secured means not having anydegree of freedom).- Must remain immobile in relation to the sprung part of the car.Any device or construction that is designed to bridge the gap between the sprung part of the car and theground is prohibited under all circumstances.No part having an aerodynamic influence and no part of the bodywork

with the exception of the skid blockin 3.13 above

may under any circumstances be located below the reference plane.3.16 Upper bodywork :3.16.1 With the exception of the opening described in Article 3.16.3

when viewed from the side

the car musthave bodywork in the area bounded by four lines. One vertical 1330mm forward of the rear wheel centreline

one horizontal 550mm above the reference plane

one horizontal 925mm above the reference planeDraft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 12 / 47 16 July 2004and one diagonal which intersects the 925mm horizontal at a point 1000mm forward of the rear wheelcentreline and the 550mm horizontal at the rear wheel centreline.Bodywork within this area must be arranged symmetrically about the car centre line and

when measured200mm vertically below the diagonal boundary line

must have minimum widths of 150mm and 50mmrespectively at points lying 1000mm forward of the rear wheel centre line and at the rear wheel centre line.This bodywork must lie on or outside the boundary defined by a linear taper between these minimumwidths.3.16.2 Bodywork lying vertically above the upper boundary as defined in 3.16.1 may be no wider than 125mm andmust be arranged symmetrically about the car centreline.3.16.3 In order that a car may be lifted quickly in the event of it stopping on the circuit

the principal rolloverstructure must incorporate a clearly visible unobstructed opening designed to permit a strap

whose sectionmeasures 60mm x 30mm

to pass through it.3.17 Bodywork flexibility :3.17.1 Bodywork may deflect no more than 5mm vertically when a 500N load is applied vertically to it 700mmforward of the front wheel centre line and 625mm from the car centre line. The load will be applied in adownward direction using a 50mm diameter ram and an adapter 300mm long and 150mm wide. Teamsmust supply the latter when such a test is deemed necessary.3.17.2 Bodywork may deflect no more than 10mm vertically when a 500N load is applied vertically to it 400mmforward of the rear wheel centre line and 650mm from the car centre line. The load will be applied in adownward direction using a 50mm diameter ram and an adapter of the same size

Teams must supply thelatter when such a test is deemed necessary.3.17.3 Bodywork may deflect by no more than one degree horizontally when a load of 1000N is appliedsimultaneously to its extremities in a rearward direction 780mm above the reference plane and 130mmbehind the rear wheel centre line.3.17.4 In order to ensure that the requirements of Article 3.15 are respected

the FIA reserves the right tointroduce further load/deflection tests on any part of the bodywork which appears to be (or is suspected of)

moving whilst the car is in motion.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 13 / 47 16 July 2004ARTICLE 4 : WEIGHT4.1 Minimum weight :The weight of the car must not be less than 605kg during the qualifying practice session and no less than600kg at all other times during the Event.4.2 Ballast :Ballast can be used provided it is secured in such a way that tools are required for its removal. It must bepossible to fix seals if deemed necessary by the FIA technical delegate.4.3 Adding during the race :With the exception of fuel and compressed gases

no substance may be added to the car during the race.If it becomes necessary to replace any part of the car during the race

the new part must not weigh anymore than the original part.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 14 / 47 16 July 2004ARTICLE 5 : ENGINE5.1 Engine specification :5.1.1 Only 4-stroke engines with reciprocating pistons are permitted.5.1.2 Engine capacity must not exceed 3000 cc.5.1.3 Supercharging is forbidden.5.1.4 All engines must have 10 cylinders and the normal section of each cylinder must be circular.5.1.5 Engines may have no more than 5 valves per cylinder.5.2 Other means of propulsion :5.2.1 The use of any device

other than the 3 litre

four stroke engine described in 5.1 above

to power the car

isnot permitted.5.2.2 The total amount of recoverable energy stored on the car must not exceed 300kJ

any which may berecovered at a rate greater than 2kW must not exceed 20kJ.5.3 Engine intake air :5.3.1 Other than injection of fuel for the normal purpose of combustion in the engine

any device



construction or design the purpose or effect of which is any decrease in the temperature of theengine intake air is forbidden.5.3.2 Other than engine sump breather gases and fuel for the normal purpose of combustion in the engine

thespraying of any substance into the engine intake air is forbidden.5.4 Exhaust system :Variable geometric length exhaust systems are forbidden.5.5 Engine materials :5.5.1 The basic structure of the crankshaft and camshafts must be made from steel or cast iron.5.5.2 Pistons

cylinder heads and cylinder blocks may not be composite structures which use carbon or aramidfibre reinforcing materials.5.6 Starting the engine :A supplementary device temporarily connected to the car may be used to start the engine both on the gridand in the pits.5.7 Stall prevention systems :If a car is equipped with a stall prevention system

and in order to avoid the possibility of a car involved inan accident being left with the engine running

all such systems must be configured to stop the engine nomore than ten seconds after activation.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 15 / 47 16 July 2004ARTICLE 6 : FUEL SYSTEM6.1 Fuel tanks :6.1.1 The fuel tank must be a single rubber bladder conforming to or exceeding the specifications of FIA/FT5-1999

the fitting of foam within the tank however is not mandatory. A list of approved materials may befound in the Appendix to these regulations.6.1.2 All the fuel stored on board the car must be situated between the front face of the engine and the driver'sback when viewed in lateral projection. When establishing the front face of the engine

no parts of the fuel


water or electrical systems will be considered.Furthermore

no fuel can be stored more than 300mm forward of the highest point at which the driver'sback makes contact with his seat. However

a maximum of 2 litres of fuel may be kept outside the survivalcell

but only that which is necessary for the normal running of the engine.6.1.3 Fuel must not be stored more than 400mm from the longitudinal axis of the car.6.1.4 All rubber bladders must be made by manufacturers recognised by the FIA. In order to obtain theagreement of the FIA

the manufacturer must prove the compliance of his product with the specificationsapproved by the FIA. These manufacturers must undertake to deliver to their customers exclusively tankscomplying to the approved standards.A list of approved manufacturers may be found in the Appendix to these regulations.6.1.5 All rubber bladders shall be printed with the name of the manufacturer

the specifications to which the tankhas been manufactured and the date of manufacture.6.1.6 No rubber bladders shall be used more than 5 years after the date of manufacture.6.2 Fittings and piping :6.2.1 All apertures in the fuel tank must be closed by hatches or fittings which are secured to metallic orcomposite bolt rings bonded to the inside of the bladder. The total area of any such hatches or fittingswhich are in contact with the fuel may not exceed 30000mm².Bolt hole edges must be no less than 5mm from the edge of the bolt ring

hatch or fitting.6.2.2 All fuel lines between the fuel tank and the engine must have a self sealing breakaway valve. This valvemust separate at less than 50% of the load required to break the fuel line fitting or to pull it out of the fueltank.6.2.3 No lines containing fuel may pass through the cockpit.6.2.4 All lines must be fitted in such a way that any leakage cannot result in the accumulation of fuel in thecockpit.6.3 Crushable structure :The fuel tank must be completely surrounded by a crushable structure

which is an integral part of thesurvival cell and must be able to withstand the loads required by the tests in Articles 18.2.1 and Fuel tank fillers :Fuel tank fillers must not protrude beyond the bodywork. Any breather pipe connecting the fuel tank to theatmosphere must be designed to avoid liquid leakage when the car is running and its outlet must not beless than 250mm from the cockpit opening.All fuel tank fillers and breathers must be designed to ensure an efficient locking action which reduces therisk of an accidental opening following a crash impact or incomplete locking after refuelling.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 16 / 47 16 July 20046.5 Refuelling :6.5.1 All refuelling during the race must be carried out at a rate no greater than 12.1 litres per second and byusing equipment which has been supplied by the FIA designated manufacturer

details concerning themanufacturer may be found in the Appendix to these regulations. This manufacturer will be required tosupply identical refuelling systems

the complete specification of which will be available from the FIA nolater than one month prior to the first Championship Event.Any modifications to the manufacturer's specification may only be made following written consent from theFIA.6.5.2 A cover must be fitted over the car connector at all times when the car is running on the track. The coverand it's attachments must be sufficiently strong to avoid accidental opening in the event of an accident.6.5.3 Before refuelling commences

the car connector must be connected electrically to earth.All metal parts of the refuelling system from the coupling to the supply tank must also be connected toearth.6.5.4 Refuelling the car on the grid may only be carried out by using an unpressurised container which is nomore than 2 metres above the ground.6.5.5 No fuel on board the car may be more than ten degrees centigrade below ambient temperature.6.5.6 The use of any device on board the car to decrease the temperature of the fuel is forbidden.6.6 Fuel sampling :6.6.1 Competitors must ensure that a one litre sample of fuel may be taken from the car at any time during theEvent.6.6.2 All cars must be fitted with a –2 'Symetrics' male fitting in order to facilitate fuel sampling. If an electricpump on board the car cannot be used to remove the fuel an externally connected one may be usedprovided it is evident that a representative fuel sample is being taken. If an external pump is used it mustbe possible to connect the FIA sampling hose to it and any hose between the car and pump must be -3 indiameter and not exceed 2m in length. Details of the fuel sampling hose may be found in the Appendix tothese regulations.6.6.3 The sampling procedure must not necessitate starting the engine or the removal of bodywork (other thanthe cover over the refuelling connector).Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 17 / 47 16 July 2004ARTICLE 7 : OIL AND COOLANT SYSTEMS7.1 Location of oil tanks :All oil storage tanks must be situated between the front wheel axis and the rearmost gearbox casinglongitudinally

and must be no further than the lateral extremities of the survival cell are from thelongitudinal axis of the car.7.2 Longitudinal location of oil system :No other part of the car containing oil may be situated behind the complete rear wheels.7.3 Catch tank :In order to avoid the possibility of oil being deposited on the track

the engine sump breather must vent intothe main engine air intake system.7.4 Transversal location of oil system :No part of the car containing oil may be more than 700mm from the longitudinal centre line of the car.7.5 Coolant header tank :The coolant header tank on the car must be fitted with an FIA approved pressure relief valve which is set toa maximum of 3.75 bar gauge pressure

details of the relief valve may be found in the Appendix to theseregulations. If the car is not fitted with a header tank

an alternative position must be approved by the FIA.7.6 Cooling systems :The cooling systems of the engine must not intentionally make use of the latent heat of vaporisation of anyfluid.7.7 Oil and coolant lines :7.7.1 No lines containing coolant or lubricating oil may pass through the cockpit.7.7.2 All lines must be fitted in such a way that any leakage cannot result in the accumulation of fluid in thecockpit.7.7.3 No hydraulic fluid lines may have removable connectors inside the cockpit.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 18 / 47 16 July 2004ARTICLE 8 : ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS8.1 Software and electronics inspection :8.1.1 Prior to the start of each season the complete electrical system on the car must be examined and all onboard and communications software must be inspected by the FIA Technical Department.The FIA must be notified of any changes prior to the Event at which such changes are intended to beimplemented.8.1.2 All re-programmable microprocessors must have a mechanism that allows the FIA to accurately identifythe software version loaded.8.1.3 All electronic units containing a programmable device

and which are intended for use at an Event

must bepresented to the FIA before each Event in order that they can be identified.8.1.4 All on-car software versions must be registered with the FIA before use.8.1.5 The FIA must be able to test the operation of any compulsory electronic safety systems at any time duringan Event.8.2 Start systems :8.2.1 Any system

the purpose and/or effect of which is to detect when a race start signal is given

is notpermitted.8.2.2 Whichever driver input device is used to initiate the propulsion of the car during the start of a race

averifiable signal must be provided which indicates it’s instant of operation.8.3 Accident data recorders :The recorder must be fitted and operated :- by being rigidly attached to the survival cell using the four 7mm diameter holes provided ;- in accordance with the instructions of the FIA ;- symmetrically about the car centre line and with its top facing upwards ;- with each of its 12 edges parallel to an axis of the car ;- less than 50mm above the reference plane ;- in a position which is normally accessible at the start and finish of an Event ;- in order that the entire unit lies between 40% and 60% of the wheelbase of the car ;- with its main connector facing forwards ;- in order that its status light is visible when the driver is in the cockpit ;- in order that the download connector is easily accessible without the need to remove bodywork.8.4 Marshal information display :All cars must be fitted with red

blue and yellow cockpit lights the purpose of which are to give driversinformation concerning track signals or conditions. The lights must be LEDs each with a minimum diameterof 5mm and which are fitted in order that they are directly in the driver’s normal line of sight. Details of thelight control system

which must be fitted to every car

may be found in the Appendix to these regulations.Draft 2005 F1 Technical Regulations 19 / 47 16 July 2004ARTICLE 9 : TRANSMISSION SYSTEM9.1 Transmission types :No transmission system may permit more than two wheels to be driven.9.2 Clutch control :All cars must be fitted with a means of disengaging the clutch for a minimum of fifteen minutes in the eventof the car coming to rest with the engine stopped. This system must be in working order throughout theEvent even if the main hydraulic

pneumatic or electrical systems on the car have failed.In order that the driver or a marshal may activate the system in less than five seconds

the switch or buttonwhich operates it must :- face upwards and be positioned on the survival cell no more than 150mm from the car centre line ;- be designed in order that a marshal is unable to accidentally re-engage the clutch ;- be less than 150mm from the front of the cockpit opening ;- be marked with a letter

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